Treatment of warts: medicines and folk remedies

The papilloma virus is easily spread from person to person, the infection with which it manifests itself in the form of warts. The treatment of warts is a complex process, which must begin with diagnostic measures. A dermatologist can help you choose the right treatment.

Types of treatments for warts. The most effective method of struggle

causes of warts

Warts or papillomas are harmless, benign growths that damage the appearance of the skin. Since this phenomenon is not aesthetically pleasing, then everyone who has it tries to get rid of warts by all means. But you also need to get rid of it competently, because papillomas can have malignant connotations instead of getting rid of infections on the skin, you will get serious cancer.

Warts are pea-dense skin nodules with an uneven surface. Often, the back of the hands, palms and fingers are affected by warts. In some people, warts can be found on the face, lips, armpits, and feet.

Warts located on the soles of the feet are the most painful. They can reach large sizes and bring a lot of inconvenience to their owners. Often, plantar warts are affected by people of retirement age.

Before starting treatment, one should consult a specialist to confirm that the neoplasm is actually a wart. Various methods can be used to get rid of it: from creams and gels, to surgery and the use of traditional medicine. In each case, the doctor prescribes treatment of warts and papillomas individually.

Cryodestruction Generation

The most common method of removing papillomas and warts from the skin is to destroy them with liquid nitrogen. This procedure is called cryodestruction. The effect on the affected skin is done by using liquid nitrogen, which reaches a temperature of minus 190 degrees. Warts freeze, neoplasm cells cool down and water freezing in the cellular tissue leads to rupture, and this destroys the papilloma. Under the action of liquid nitrogen, the affected tissue dies, and no scars remain at the site of the neoplasm.

Operating procedure

cryodestruction as a method of treating warts

Freezing procedures are performed using a cryoprobe or using a cotton swab manually. The manual method is the most popular, as it does not require large expenses from the clinic.

A patient may need painkillers if:

  • The neoplasm is great.
  • Papilloma is located in sensitive skin areas.
  • Website neoplasm removal in children under mandatory anesthesia.

The procedure itself begins with a simple mechanical movement: the doctor inserts a cotton swab into the liquid nitrogen preparation and touches the neoplasm with light pressure. Exposure time is limited only by the size of the neoplasm and its type. Sometimes it is necessary to re-treat neoplasm tissue with nitrogen to completely destroy its structure. Repeated moksibusi procedure is required for plantar warts.

Signs of a burn appear at the site of exposure, similar to a thermal injury. Fluid bubbles appear on the skin. It is this condition that indicates the process of complete destruction of the papilloma.


A safe and effective way to get rid of various skin neoplasms, which are also used to cure all types of warts. Electrocoagulation allows you to eliminate the growth of the upper skin only, but does not get rid of the papillomavirus virus itself. The possibility of a relapse may occur in more than half of the cases, so it is necessary to approach the solution thoroughly.

Procedure features

The electrocoagulation method allows you to get rid of cosmetic defects quickly, but there is always the risk of scar tissue formation at the site of exposure.

electrocoagulation as a method of removing warts

And no specialist can guarantee complete removal of the neoplasm.

Because removal is done using high-temperature electronic loops, this makes this method less secure than traditional topical preparations.

Therefore, before using seriously destructive methods of struggle, it is necessary to try all traditional medical methods. Because folk recipes are safer and have a lower risk of scar tissue formation.


For the treatment of warts with electrocoagulation, it is necessary to consult a specialist and identify possible individual contraindications.

General contraindications include:

  • Availability of any aids for the cardiovascular system (heart monitor or pacemaker, pacemaker).
  • Contraindications related to intolerance to high currents.
  • Allergic reactions to anesthetics.
  • The inflammatory process in the body is acute, which is the result of the presence of infectious diseases.
  • Hemophilia and vascular disorders at the capillary level.

The use of electrocoagulation method is not recommended for plantar type warts, because with such exposure there is a high risk of scarring. Hard scar tissue will interfere with proper walking.

Recovery period

No additional medical treatment is required after destruction with an electrocoagulator. But rarely, the prevention of additional warts is done with the help of antiviral drugs.

Wound treatment with antiseptic is all that is needed to recover from surgery.

The only thing to do for a few days is treatment of the site of exposure with any skin antiseptic.

Laser treatment

Anyone who has ever looked for a method of how to treat warts effectively knows that the safest is laser exposure. The use of lasers in aesthetic cosmetology will help get rid of various neoplasms and leave no scars. The advantage of this design is the accuracy of the beam.

Before curing papilloma with this method, you should consult a specialist and undergo a specific examination.

Implementation process and its consequences

Surgery is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient will be asked to undergo a blood test and tolerance to the effects. Those who are concerned about the possibility of complications from laser exposure should approach the choice of the specialist carefully, as the safety of the procedure depends only on its eligibility. The doctor selects the depth of laser action required and performs the moxifying.

Exposure to high laser temperatures allows you to destroy harmful neoplasm cells, without damaging healthy cells. After such exposure, bleeding does not form, as the laser closes the blood vessels and the blood does not come out.

After the procedure, to prevent the appearance of scar tissue, it is necessary to use a traditional medicine - calendula tincture. Do not apply alcohol lotion to the place of exposure, this can cause irritation and complicate tissue healing.


laser wart removal

Although it is safe to use this method, it is not recommended to use it when:

  1. Pregnancy. During periods of hormonal changes at the site of exposure, tumor-like neoplasms in the form of scars can form, which will be difficult to remove.
  2. This procedure is impossible for cancer patients.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body during puberty and menopause are the same contraindications to performing surgery during pregnancy.


Modern medicine has made great strides in the treatment of warts. Therefore, in every pharmacy, you can find different types of drugs to get rid of the external signs of human papillomavirus.

The use of these funds can be done without consulting a specialist, but such self-treatment can provoke skin cancer. Therefore, not every wart can be treated on its own. It is best to seek expert advice and then use medication for papilloma.

Preparation of phenolic subgroup with antivirus effect

Each drug in this group contains antibacterial and antiviral components that may have a superficial effect on the neoplasm.

The required medication is chosen by the specialist, but the use of the funds gives a real effect only after a month of use.

Traditional medicine

To eliminate the manifestations of the presence of human papillomavirus in the body, it is necessary to use folk remedies. Since they are a gentle method of exposure, they should be tried first.


The scope of celandine use is not limited to the effects on the skin. A powerful and poisonous plant that contains large amounts of alkaloids, it has been effectively used to get rid of warts for many years. Treatment can last from a few days to several months, depending on the severity of the neoplasm.

Celeland juice is applied to warts several times a day. Visible effects with slight viral manifestations are observed from the first days of application.

removal of warts with celandine

From celandine, you can prepare a healing ointment based on glycerin, which can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

This can be applied to no more than five neoplasms at once, as celandine contains powerful components that can cause burns.

Some patients may have an allergic reaction to celandine, so skin reaction tests should be performed on a small area.

Acetic acid

Concentrated acetic acid solution can also be used to remove skin lesions. This method is good and affordable. Daily treatment of warts with acetic acid will help get rid of neoplasms in a few days, without the dangers and consequences.

Ascorbic and salicylic acid

Taking a few balls of ascorbic acid daily helps boost immunity and increase the body's resistance to human papillomavirus. Some time after taking the drug, a decrease in the number and size of neoplasms is observed. But ascorbic acid can be used not only inside, but can also be used to clean the accumulation of papilloma.

Salicylic acid, as well as other anti-warts, help stop their manifestations if used for more than two weeks. This tool is applied to warts with a cotton cloth overnight, glued with plaster.